3D Foot & Ankle Scanning
3D Foot & Ankle Scanning
3D foot and ankle scanning is a modern, sophisticated method used to capture precise anatomical details of a person’s foot and ankle structure. This technology has become increasingly important in pedorthic footwear and orthotic design.
Here's an overview of what's involved in the process:
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1. Preparation and Positioning
Before the scanning process begins, the patient is typically asked to remove their footwear and socks. The patient is then positioned appropriately, either standing, sitting, or in some cases, lying down, depending on the scanner's design and the specific requirements of the scan.
4. Analysis and Application
The resulting 3D model provides valuable information for various applications:
- Orthotic Design: Used to create custom orthotic devices that fit the exact contours of the patient's foot.
- Custom Footwear: Assists in designing footwear that accommodates the unique structure of the foot, providing better comfort and support.
- Medical Assessment: Helps in diagnosing foot and ankle conditions and planning treatments.
- Follow-up and Comparison: Can be used for tracking changes in foot shape and size over time, especially important for conditions that progress or changes.